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Peculiarities of admission of foreigners and stateless persons to Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Admission of foreign nationals and stateless persons to higher education institutions is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine: “On Higher Education,” “On the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons,” “On Foreign Ukrainians,” “On Refugees and Persons in Need of Complementary or Temporary Protection,” “On the Establishment of Additional Legal and Social Guarantees for Citizens of the Republic of Poland Residing in Ukraine”; the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 729 dated September 12, 2018, “On the Access to Higher Education for Certain Categories of Persons”; the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1541 dated November 1, 2013, “On Certain Issues of Organizing Admission and Education (Internship) of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons,” registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013, under No. 2004/24536; the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1498 dated December 2, 2019, “On Approval of the Procedure for Establishing Quotas for Higher Education for Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons within the State Order Volumes in Accordance with International Agreements of Ukraine,” registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 10, 2020, under No. 153/34436.


Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus who do not have a permanent residence permit in Ukraine are admitted to study based on an individual permit issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Foreign nationals and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as "foreigners") may pursue higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities unless otherwise stipulated by international agreements of Ukraine ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation, or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility.


Admission of foreign nationals and stateless persons, including foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, citizens of the Republic of Poland, individuals recognized as refugees, and those requiring additional protection to government-funded positions is conducted in accordance with Clause 6, Section III of these Regulations. Admission of other categories of foreign nationals to government-funded positions is carried out within the limits of quotas allocated for foreign students.


Admission of foreign nationals to higher education programs is conducted exclusively for accredited educational programs. Additionally, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University may enroll foreign nationals in preparatory faculty (unit) programs for studying the state language and/or the language of instruction, as well as in programs for postgraduate education, professional development, and internships.


Admission of foreign nationals for study may be conducted in person and/or remotely.


The validity period of an invitation for study is no more than one year from the date of its registration in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" of the state enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Foreign nationals eligible for remote admission may receive an invitation for study registered in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" of the state enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; obtain a package of information and consulting support services; receive a visa for entry into Ukraine for study purposes (except for citizens of countries with visa-free entry); complete the process of legalizing their educational documents in the country of issuance, including legalization through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country; consular legalization or apostille in the consular section of a Ukrainian diplomatic mission abroad.


In the case of remote admission, a foreign applicant sends legalized and notarized copies of their previous education documents to Dragomanov Ukrainian State University by postal services. Upon their first crossing of Ukraine's state border and after arriving at the university, the foreign applicant submits the original documents in person.


Foreign students enrolled in full-time (on-campus) programs are provided with accommodation in student dormitories.


Required Documents for Admission

To apply for admission, the following set of documents must be submitted (original documents are required):

1. An application form.

2. The original and a copy of the educational qualification document (with legalization or apostille) and a notarized translation into Ukrainian; The original and a copy of the academic transcript (an annex to the educational document) containing information about the grades or achievements in academic disciplines (with legalization or apostille) and a notarized translation into Ukrainian.

3. An academic certificate issued by a foreign or Ukrainian educational institution (for transfers or reinstatement from the second year onward, an academic certificate must be provided).

4. The original and a copy of a document containing information about the curriculum, earned credits, duration of study, and academic performance for the previous degree (level) of higher education if this information is not included in the annex to the educational document. This applies to applicants for master's or postgraduate studies, where the absence of such information prevents recognition of the qualification.

5. A copy of the foreign passport or a document certifying the identity of a stateless person.

6. A medical certificate in form 086-O (or its equivalent in the applicant’s country of origin) for offline applicants.

7. A health insurance policy, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine.

8. Six photographs, 30 x 40 mm.

9. A copy of the residence permit (both sides), if available.

10. A copy of the visa.


Documents listed in items 1–6 must be certified in the country of issuance in a manner officially recognized in that country and legalized by the respective foreign institution of Ukraine unless otherwise specified by international agreements of Ukraine.


How to get an invitation to study?

To receive an invitation to study, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the first page of the foreigner's passport, containing his personal data, with a translation into Ukrainian;
  • a copy of the document about previous education with a translation into English/Russian/Ukrainian languages;
  • a copy of the attachment to the document about previous education with grades (points) with a translation in English / Russian / Ukrainian or an academic certificate (indicating the number and name of the document) with a translation in English / Ukrainian;
  • notification of arrival;
  • questionnaire;
  • consent to the processing of personal data.


The documents must be submitted in scanned form (JPG format) via email to inostud@udu.edu.ua or in person at the Foreign Students Department.


The validity period of an invitation to study is no more than 1 year from the date of its registration in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" of a state enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Temporary residence permit in Ukraine


States with a visa entry procedure


Citizens of countries with a visa entry procedure arrive in Ukraine with a type D (D-13) visa obtained at the consular office of Ukraine in their home country upon invitation of the university to study. Within five working days after arriving at the university, but not later than 30 days before the visa expires, they must submit to the Foreign Students Department a passport and documents necessary for issuing a temporary residence permit in Ukraine ( further - certificate).


Countries with visa-free entry (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan)


Citizens of countries with visa-free entry arrangements may stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days within any 180-day period with the mandatory issuance of an invitation to study. This means that to calculate the permitted duration of stay, a 180-day period is counted backward from the date of document submission. A foreign citizen does not violate the rules if they have stayed in Ukraine for no more than 90 days within this 180-day period. Such foreign citizens are required to submit their passports and the necessary documents to obtain a residence permit to the Foreign Students department within five working days after arriving at the university but no later than 30 days before the end of the allowed stay in Ukraine.

  • a passport document with a type D visa (D-13);
  • translation into Ukrainian of the page of the passport document with personal data, notarized in Ukraine;
  • a valid medical insurance policy for the period of study issued on the territory of Ukraine.


The procedure for processing, issuing, exchanging, canceling, forwarding, withdrawing, returning to the state, invalidating and destroying a temporary residence permit was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 25, 2018 No. 322.


Foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying and received a temporary residence permit are considered to be legally staying on the territory of Ukraine for the period of study. Permits are issued to foreigners and stateless persons who have reached the age of 16.


The temporary residence permit is produced in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic medium.


A temporary residence permit is a document certifying the identity of a foreigner or a stateless person and confirming the legal grounds for temporary residence in Ukraine. The temporary residence permit is issued for the period of study, which is determined by the order of the university on establishing periods of study for foreign students.


Documents for issuing a temporary residence permit (including replacing a lost or stolen one) or its exchange are submitted personally by a foreigner or a stateless person to a state enterprise that belongs to the sphere of management of the State Migration Service or a territorial body of the State Migration Service at the place of registration.


Documents for issuing a temporary residence permit are submitted no later than 15 working days before the end of the established period of stay in Ukraine.


In the event of the occurrence of circumstances (events) in connection with which the temporary residence permit is subject to exchange (except for the expiration of its validity period), documents for its exchange shall be submitted within one month from the date of occurrence of such circumstances (events).


If a temporary residence permit expires, documents for its exchange may be submitted no later than 15 working days before the expiration date. In such a case, the temporary residence permit subject to exchange is returned to the person after receiving the documents and is surrendered by him when obtaining a new temporary residence permit.


After receiving a temporary residence permit, a foreigner must submit it within three working days to the Foreign Students Department (Pyrogova Street 9, room 134) for registration of the place of residence in Ukraine.


Stages of the entrance campaign to the university


Stages of the Admission Campaign


Acceptance of applications and documents

from June 17 to October 18

Conducting admission tests and interviews

within five days from the submission of the application and the required documents for enrollment in the corresponding level of higher education.

Publication of the ranking list of applicants

no later than the day following the final admission test or interview

Publication of the enrollment order

no later than three days after the publication of the ranking list and no later than October 31


Remote Admission


In accordance with the Admission Procedure for Higher Education in 2024, approved by Order No. 266 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 6, 2024, international students can apply to the Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov either in-person or remotely. Remote admission is conducted through a partner organization under an agreement for distance-based entrance examinations for international students, as specified in Annex 16 of the Admission Rules for Higher Education at M. Drahomanov University.


To apply remotely, international applicants must reside in their country of origin. Initially, the applicant should contact the university via email at inostud@udu.edu.ua or foreignstudentsdep@udu.edu.ua, express their intention to study, and submit an application electronically. The application form should be printed, filled out, signed, scanned, and sent to the university along with scanned copies of prior educational documents, translated into Ukrainian, which qualify them for admission to the chosen level of education (as outlined in Annex 14 of the Admission Rules).


Only international applicants who have received an invitation to study registered in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" (authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), obtained comprehensive informational and consultation support services, and received a visa to enter Ukraine for study purposes are eligible to participate in the remote admission process.


The organization and administration of entrance examinations for international applicants are facilitated through a partner organization located in the applicant's country of origin. This organization must have an agreement with the university to provide relevant services, which include identity verification and authentication of applicants' original documents, organizing the submission of applications in electronic form, and providing facilities and technical resources for consultations and entrance examinations conducted by the university in a remote format.


The university has entered into agreements with organizations that meet the following requirements:

1. Compliance of premises for remote document submission, consultations, and entrance examinations with the established norms of quarantine restrictions in the country where recruitment is conducted.

2. Provision of personal protective equipment to applicants.

3. Implementation of identification procedures for applicants using facial recognition technologies, including verification of personal data (surname, first name, patronymic (if applicable)), biometric data, and their authentication.

4. Ensuring adherence to academic integrity requirements during the entrance examination for foreign students.

5. Providing a secure location for storing applicants' phones, tablets, and other electronic devices confiscated during the entrance examination.

6. Equipping the premises with devices to suppress cellular and internet networks.

7. Ensuring video surveillance along the perimeter of the examination room for foreign students, with at least two installed cameras.

8. Providing technical equipment for real-time video communication with the institution’s examination committee (computer, video camera, microphone, TV, or projector with a screen).

9. Presence of at least two staff members in the examination room to ensure adherence to academic integrity requirements and provide technical support during the entrance examination for foreign students.

10. Provision of individual computers to all applicants with access to the institution’s online platform for the entrance examination for foreign students.

11. Conducting consultations and training sessions before the entrance examination to familiarize applicants with the rules for taking the test remotely and using the online platform.

12. Ensuring video recording of the entrance examination, transmission of video materials to the institution via the online platform, and storage of informational and video materials by the partner organization for five years after the examination for foreign students.


In the case of remote admission, the foreigner sends legalized and notarized copies of documents on previous education to the educational institution by postal means. When crossing the state border of Ukraine for the first time and after arriving at the educational institution, the foreigner hands over the original documents to the university in person.


A higher education institution calculates the scores/grades of an applicant based on the document confirming their previously attained level of education and sets the minimum required scores/grades in general education subjects for the entrance examination for foreign students.


Enrollment of foreign students into the respective level of higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations for foreign students in specified subjects and the language of instruction. It also depends on the academic eligibility for continuing education, as documented by the certificate of the attained educational level in the applicant's home country, and the consideration of academic performance scores that qualify the applicant to advance to the next level of higher education according to the legislation of the issuing country.


All categories of foreign students applying for admission are enrolled in Ukrainian higher education institutions based on official enrollment orders. Confirmation of enrollment can be provided through a certificate generated in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (EDEBO).


Duration of study

  • preparatory department – 9 months;
  • bachelor's degree - 4 years;
  • master's degree - 1,4 – 1,10 years after the bachelor's program;
  • doctor of Philosophy - 4 years (with a master's degree);
  • Doctor of Sciences - 3 years (with a Ph.D. diploma).

* Please note that distance learning is only possible during martial law.


Cost of education 2024-2025

Bachelor degree


Master's degree



70.000 UAH

Preparatory Department



* Payment for educational services is made in Ukrainian currency – the hryvnia, at the exchange rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine.