
  • Position:
    Rector of the University
    Academic status:
    Academician of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in Ukraine, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Professor
    Academic degree:
    Doctor of Science in Philosophy
    Honorary title:
    Honored Scientist of Ukraine

  • Position:
    Vice-rector for Education, Professor of the Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
    Academic status:
    Academic degree:
    PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Doctor of Science in Philosophy
    Honorary title:
    Honored Education Worker of Ukraine

  • Position:
    Vice-rector for Science and Research, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations
    Academic status:
    Academic degree:
    Doctor of Science in Math and Physics

  • Position:
    Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work (Administrative and Economic Activities), Docent of the Department of Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and Educational Policy
    Academic status:
    PhD in Philosophy
    Academic degree:
    Honoured Social Worker of Ukraine

  • Position:
    Vice-rector for International Affairs
    Academic status:
    Academic degree:
    Ph.D in History