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Project title: ‘Post-Conflict Education And Trauma-Informed Pedagogy Programme’


Coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University


National Coordinator: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Implementation period: 2024-2025


Project Description: The project is implemented with the CPVA campaign (Lithuania, Vilnius). The Post-Conflict Education and Trauma-informed Pedagogy Programme is distinguished by its comprehensive approach to post-conflict education, combining both direct psychological support and long-term educational reforms. It not only addresses the needs of teachers and students to overcome traumatic experiences and crisis situations but also emphasizes the creation of a safe and inclusive learning environment. This program is unique because it is incorporated into the long-term curricula of new teacher training and in-service training, ensuring that trauma-informed pedagogy becomes a fundamental aspect of teacher training. This approach is being implemented through pilot courses and large-scale trainings to ensure that theoretical knowledge is effectively applied. Through effective management and quality control measures, the programme aims to sustain and widely disseminate best practices, significantly contributing to the resilience and recovery of Ukraine's education sector in the face of the current war.




Name of project: “Universities – Communities: strengthening cooperation (UNICOM)”


Coordinator: Genoa University


National Coordinator: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Project duration: 2023-2027


Reference number: CBHE 101083077
Project Description: The overall goal of the project is to enhance the social role of universities by strengthening the interaction between universities and communities, leading to the development of national policies to support the third mission of universities in promoting social cohesion, adaptability, resilience, and prosperity in Ukraine.



Name of project:  «Best practices EU in STREAM education for pre-service teachers»


Coordinator: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Project duration: 2022-2025


Reference number: 101098885 - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA
Project Description: The project aims to increase awareness among Ukrainian educators about the EU, its leading research, and best practices in STREAM education; motivate educators to incorporate EU best practices in STREAM education into their professional activities; enhance the role of girls and women in STREAM education; update and develop Ukrainian school and university curricula in line with EU best practices in STREAM education. The project includes seminars, summer schools, creation of a YouTube channel, establishment of a portfolio database of STREAM projects, as well as the development of a new educational module "EU Best Practices in STREAM Education" for students, future teachers, and a distance learning course "EU Research in STREAM" for students and practicing teachers.


Name of project: «European Studies of Social Innovation in Education»


Coordinator: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


Project duration: 2022-2025


Reference number: 101085552 — ESSIEERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-COE
Project Description: The establishment of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence "European Studies of Social Innovations in Education" at the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University aims to integrate the best research findings with pedagogical practices, introduce new teaching methods and educational programs with a special focus on social innovations and community engagement, and enhance the reputation of the EU as a responsible global leader assisting in overcoming the consequences of war and the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. The project includes conducting trainings, seminars, workshops, webinars, conferences, four seasonal schools, and the All-Ukrainian Student Competition "From Idea to Success." Additionally, it involves creating an e-learning course on the Moodle platform titled "EU Green Deal and Climate Neutrality" and writing a monograph titled "European Studies of Social Innovations in Education."