Globalization is the key development tendency of information-based society. As higher education undergoes drastic changes when integrated into global processes, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University created International Cooperation Office with its task being development and update of scientific, teaching and innovational activities the institution partakes in internationally.
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The main trend in the development of a modern information society is its globalization. As a result of this process, the movement towards international integration in general, higher education in particular, is intensifying.
International Cooperational Office was created for the development of the educational, scientific and innovative international activities of the University.
Main functions of the Office are as follows:
- development of cooperation of the University with domestic and foreign higher educational institutions in the field of exchange of work experience, training of pedagogical staff and implementation of joint scientific and educational projects;
- visa support for university delegations;
- organization and conducting of international scientific events;
- organization and support in the process of concluding international cooperation agreements, implementation of work plans;
- organization of academic internships between teachers, post-graduate students, students at higher educational establishments - partners of the University, involvement of university scientists in international scientific events conducted by foreign partners.
- coordination of the University's activities in the implementation of international grant programs;
- delegations exchange with higher educational institutions of other countries to deepen and expand partnership cooperation.
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University is a member of the European Association of Universities and the International Association of Universities.
The staff:
Dr. Alla Humenyuk,
Head of the Office, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Psychology and International Relations, Candidate of Political Sciences
Julia Onishchuk, specialist
Kateryna Kilimovych, specialist
Contacts: tel. +38-044-234-37-55
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For any questions regarding admission of foreign students please contact the Foreign Students Department.
News and current information on international programs, competitions, grants and projects can find in the announcements on the university's website